Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How to Get Huge Pecs

For many people, the first place they want to target when beginning bodybuilding is their pectoral muscles, or pecs. Building a large chest takes a lot of hard work, but it is not impossible. Here I will offer you some tips as to the best way to get huge pecs fast and safely.

For as long as there have been bodybuilders, the best way to get huge pecs has been the flat press. Nothing works better that a few good sets of bench presses for working and building the pectoral muscles. With that said, however, flat presses alone will only grant you huge outer pecs, and you have to do other exercises to build up the inner pecs as well.

The best method for building the inner pecs is to do presses with a close or narrow grip. This works even better if you add an incline. This targets the inner pecs and will help you build bulk much better than the flat press alone. Another helpful trick is to do presses with both barbells and dumbbells. This ensures that you target all of your pectoral muscles and get a more complete workout.

It is very important to know that the chest muscles take the longest to grow. It will take some time and quite a lot of work to build a set of huge pecs. That said, it is certainly not impossible. By keeping a good diet and resting your muscles properly between workouts, you greatly increase the efficiency of your workouts. Try to put at least one day in between workouts to prevent muscle injury, and you can build those pecs safely and as quickly as possible.

Source: http://www.healthguidance.org/authors/590/Paul-Berlusk

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Choosing the Best Name for Your Baby

Expecting a new baby is both fun and exciting and so are the challenges that go along with it. One of the challenges and decisions that you will have to make before your baby arrives is what name to choose. You want your baby’s name to be perfect so sometimes this fun activity can turn into a real challenge. If you are trying to decide what to name your baby, use this list as a guideline. Following this list will make the name choosing process go a whole lot faster and be more enjoyable.

• To get your creative juices flowing, search for lists of baby names on the internet. Sometimes we can have a mental block when it comes to activities like this. By finding several good lists, it can give you good ideas that you might otherwise never have thought of.

• Make a list of family names that have been handed down through the generations on both sides of the family. Be careful when choosing family names. No family member may admit it, but grandparents can get pretty jealous if you name your children from family members on one side of the family and not the other.

Be sure you don’t cause hard feelings. If you name a baby after one grandmother, make sure you can include the other grandmother’s name for a future child. Trust me on this one.

• Decide if you and your spouse like traditional or unique names. If you like traditional names check the baby name lists for the most popular names and see which traditional names you like the best. If you are choosing a unique name, be sure that it isn’t too trendy. What sounds "unique" now may sound downright weird 15 years from now.

• Names with meaning are always good – just make sure they have a good meaning and not a bad connotation. You wouldn’t want to name a baby girl Jezebel (a woman of bad reputation from the Bible) or Hitler (a maniacal dictator responsible for and death of millions of people). A name like this would be a burden for your child.

• Biblical names have always been popular. You can find the meaning of these names and the character of the heroes of the Bible from baby name lists or by looking at the glossary of your Bible.

• Names of your heroes can be a good choice. While Batman wouldn’t be a good choice, naming a baby after a personal hero or mentor can have a very personal meaning to you. Think of the people in your life who have inspired you.

• Make sure the name you are considering goes well with your last name and the combination isn’t strange. If your last name is Beach, don’t name your daughter "Sandy." If your last name is Banklin, don’t name your son "Benjamin." He will spend the rest of his life saying, "No, Banklin. Not Franklin."

• When you find a name that you like, check the initials. You don’t want your child’s initials spelling out something ridiculous like "DOT" – Department of Transportation or "PMS". Your child will not be amused later in life.

• What about nicknames? If the name you like is prone to being reduced to a nickname and you hate the nickname, you might want to reconsider. Some names just seem to always get switched, for instance, Robert always seems to get changed into Bobby.

• Don’t get to "tricky" with the spelling. It isn’t fun to have to spend your life explaining over and over how to spell your name. Cindy is so much better than Syndee. Your child will tire of this quickly and revert to the traditional spelling just because it makes their life easier.

• Choose a name that will grow with your baby. Buffy sounds cute now, but when she’s a News Anchor or a professional Real Estate Agent, it isn’t too cute and won’t help her further her career.

• Take into consideration your culture. If you are naming your baby a name that is traditional for your culture, will it make sense to other cultures? Jesus is a traditional name for boys of South America but sounds very strange to Christians in North America.

Make a list as you take all of these things into consideration. Sit down with your spouse and cross out the names that either you or your spouse object too. It’s not worth trying to name a baby a name that your spouse hates – after all, it’s their baby too.

When you have whittled the list down to the names you both like, then go through the above checklist and consider each name carefully. By going through this process of elimination, you will soon come up with a name that everyone is happy with. Above all, make sure it’s a name that your child will be proud to have.
Source: http://www.healthguidance.org/authors/324/Jason-Ladock

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Can Acupuncture Help you Stop, and Eventually Quit Smoking?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing approach that is almost 3500 years old. It is based on the belief that chi, a vital energy force flows around 12 key channels around the body. Within these channels there are 365 acupuncture points, which can sometimes become ‘blocked’ preventing the smooth flow of the vital energy, resulting in degrading health.

Acupuncture is a highly effective method for treating all manner of addictions including nicotine. The application of acupuncture to help you stop and eventually quit altogether, involves the insertion of very fine needles into special points on the skin. The needles are generally left in the skin for up to 20 mins. There is virtually no pain apart from the slight pricking sensation when the needle first goes in. The technique itself results in the release of special chemicals called endorphins which will provide a ‘natural high’ at the end of the treatment.

Following the first treatment, the patient is likely to cough up phlegm during the week after treatment as the body starts to adjust to life without smoking, and the tar and phlegm in the lungs starts to loosen. It is common to schedule a follow up session about 1 week after the first to assess progress, and decide whether further therapy is required. Many heavy smokers have reported success after only 1 or 2 acupuncture sessions.

Acupuncture as a method for quitting smoking is best for those individuals that are heavily addicted to the nicotine, but have clearly made the commitment to quit. This type of therapy will dramatically reduce the side effects of nicotine withdrawal, such as the cravings, depression and anxiety. The body will also start to repair itself, particularly in improving blood circulation and de-congesting the lungs, and the patient will generally feel very positive and optimistic as a result of the release of natural anti-depressants by the brain.

Combining acupuncture with more traditional approaches to quitting smoking can be an effective strategy, especially if you have tried and failed at simply using willpower to quit in the past. If you decide acupuncture to stop smoking is for you, make sure you see a qualified and reputable practitioners.

Source: http://www.healthguidance.org/authors/342/Peter-Vine

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Yoga Joins Individual With Devine

The word Yoga belongs to Sanskrit language. It is derived from the root word, 'Yuj' which means "to join". Probably this is what the Yoga Practices in the present century suggests to. That is to join the individual with the divine!

Yoga has several definitions. Its functions and character can be defined in hundreds of ways. One of the short and meaningful definitions of yoga is "Efficiency in work is yoga."

As for the action-oriented explanation of yoga, any action that you do with the motivated desire is not yoga because its results are impermanent! Action done with a pure mind, with total surrender, without worrying over the fruits of actions is yoga.

Every action has a reaction. And the intensity of the reaction is in proportion to the intensity of the action! Even the scientists agree on this principle. One of the rare agreements between the scientists and the spiritualists! Normally, the two opposing forces- the two contending forces!

When you understand this fundamental principle, why worry over the results of your actions? Why worry over the matter, over which you should not worry at all!

Patanjali, one of the most revered Sages of India, is the father of Yoga. He wrote the immortal book, based on his practical experiences and the divine vision! His writings and practice have found worldwide acceptance now! He wrote the book about 2500 years ago!

Yoga has the body aspect, the mind aspect and the beyond the mind aspect, which is also known as the transcendental level! This level could only be experienced by an individual. It can't be explained by words!

Sage Patanjali has mentioned eight sutras: They are: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhui.

The asanas refer to various physical postures. This aspect of Patanjali's yoga has become very popular in India as well as abroad! According to the claims, there is no disease that can not be cured by practicing these asanas. If you practice some specific asanas, no disease will ever come near to you.

The last sutra, Samadhi is the supreme goal of the individual. There is nothing beyond to achieve for a human being. It is "be all and end all."

You need to learn these asanas from a qualified teacher. Some of the asanas are difficult physical postures, and if done without proper knowledge about their intricacies may cause more damage. Start slowly, and do the asanas in accordance with your physical capacity!

All your problems of the modern industrialized civilization such as stress, tension, confusion, blood pressure and all negative tendencies will leave from the back door, once you come into the thick of yoga! They will never return, they will go for ever!

"Yoga is what yoga does!"

Source: http://www.healthguidance.org/authors/445/Javier-Fuller

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