Friday, April 24, 2009

Children Need Parental Guidance

As I type the police reports each week for the law enforcement page of our local newspaper, I have to say that I am disappointed to see how many children are being arrested for things such as possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, stealing and assault on others. As a mother of three myself, I feel that part of the problem could be that we as parents have become too wrapped up in our daily lives and don’t want to put forth the effort that it takes to maintain a parental relationship with our children.

Due to juggling a full time job and three children that are involved in many activities, I too deal with this. However, I refuse to let that have any effect on how I chose to parent my children.

When I gave birth to my oldest son, it was then that I realized that I am the person that will be responsible for molding this child into an adult that I can be proud of. That was over 16 years ago and I will admit that it only gets harder each day.

When you walk into a store to buy the newest and latest gadget, they send you home with plenty of instructions to enable you to enjoy that product. Each time I left the hospital with a new child in tow, I felt just as clueless as the time before. Every child is different and they do not come with instruction manuals or how-to guides. Therefore, as parents, it is our sole responsibility to lead these children and assure that they become productive adults that will benefit the community in which they reside.

To achieve this, we must set standards for our children. Many will say that they cannot discipline their child due to fear of being arrested. I can assure you that I do punish my children and have never been arrested for doing so. I am not encouraging parents to abuse their children. I am saying, "Take a stand and be a parent." I see many in our community, struggling to be in their teen’s life, so they try to become their best friend. Our children do not need another friend to hang out with; they need structure and guidance.

All human beings require direction and order to live a productive life. Each day at my job, I must follow the regulations that my boss, Brian has set for me. If I continuously make mistakes or ignore those rules that are set for my workplace, I would no longer have a job. As a responsible adult, I must face the consequences of my actions every day, be it good or bad.

As a parent, I try to remind my children that they also have rules that must be followed, at home, at school and within the community. If our children choose to violate those rules, it is our job as parents to make sure that their negative behaviors do not go unpunished. I am not saying that my children are never going to do anything that may embarrass or humiliate my husband or I, however, I can assure you, when they do make such mistakes, there will be appropriate consequences for their actions.

I would like to challenge the parents in every community to take a stand, set standards that your children must follow and be firm when they waiver. They will eventually thank you for it.



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