How to Gain Weight
I used to be skinny. Very skinny. In fact, a few years ago, at 6’2" and about 165 pounds I had a very similar frame as Steve Urkel.
Then I made a few eating and lifestyle changes and really beefed up my physique. I am far from looking like a hardcore bodybuilder, but I now currently weigh 210 pounds of pretty solid weight.
Whether you are looking to bulk up to improve your appearance or put on some pounds for competitive sports, here is some advice on how to muscle up.
Eat More: This may sound like common sense, but a lot of people looking to pack on solid weight simply do not eat enough. I spoke with a nutritionist who recommended that guys looking to add quality pounds should eat roughly 25 calories per pound of their current body weight.
For instance, if you weigh 160 pounds, that means you should consume about 4,000 calories per day. That may seem like a lot at first, but it’s not that much if you consume those calories over 6 to 8 small meals a day.
Remember to re-adjust how many calories you should be consuming once you reach your new body weight.
Drink More: Along with drinking water throughout the day to keep you hydrated, add more calories to your diet by drinking juice. Cranberry juice has 130 calories per 8 ounces.
Remember to Eat Post-Workout: If you want your muscles to grow, you’ll need to eat a good meal post-workout. Research has shown that an ideal post-workout meal contains .2 grams of protein and .5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. If you weigh 160 pounds that means you should consume about 32 grams of protein and 80 grams of carbohydrates. A turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread, a glass of milk, and a yogurt should put you at about that range.
Drink Sports Drinks During Workouts: Sports drinks will not only give you extra calories (about 50 calories per 8 ounces) but they are also a good way to keep you hydrated and energized during your workouts. More heavy lifting, coupled with proper nutrition, is the key to gaining solid muscle mass.
You May Consider Supplements, but…: I gained quite a bit of solid weight, but I hardly ever used any weight gainers or protein powders. I am not saying that I am totally against those products, but my own personal opinion is that that most of them do not taste that good and they can be very costly.
If you are very busy and have trouble eating throughout the day, then protein shakes or other meal replacements may be the way to go. But you can have a quick snack instead in the form of almonds, yogurt or fruit.
The key here is patience. Don’t try and woof down a bunch of junk food to try and pack on some size. That weight will go nowhere but your stomach. Eat plenty of protein and carbohydrates, train hard, and you will be well on your way to putting on some quality pounds.
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