What Is the Importance of Good Nutrition?
With all the scientific information available today one would think that getting a proper diet would be a cinch. However, I say that no one knows what a 'proper' diet is .... and that includes me!
"Then what are you doing writing and telling people what to eat for health and long life?" you might ask .... and you are entitled to a clear-cut explanation.
For the past 25 years I have delved into every single facet of health and the role that is played by food. I have listened to theories and explanations and watched demonstrations but the only methodology that taught me anything worthwhile was what I watched and felt in my own body.
We must recognize the fact that nearly all of the nutritional studies conducted by researchers during the past 100 years have been based on what would make rats gain weight. Thus, we have only learned how to put weight on and not what the proper food is or how to eat to be healthy.
In fact, we don't know what the proper food is for rats, cats or dogs, and we don't know what the proper food for hens is either .... but we do know how to make a hen lay 300 or more eggs a year. No, we don't know how to raise healthy chickens or how to raise long-lived chickens because that's not important .... but getting lots of eggs is profitable, so that's important.
The point I am trying to make is that only if a thing is profitable to a certain segment of our society do we learn anything about that specific facet. The reason we hear so much about drugs and chemicals is because the manufacturers can turn over a substantial profit by publicizing this information .... but where there is no way to make big profits, then there is little or no research done.
Well, there is not much profit for folks like me who try to keep people healthy. The best that I could ever hope to do is sell you a book or two telling you how to maintain or regain your health .... but then you'll only buy one book or two and that's it. At best, I can only profit to the extent of a buck or two per person.
Now take a look at the company that makes or sells aspirin, cigarettes, coffee or a thousand and one other drugs or addictive products. You buy their products every day or every week and the profit margin is high .... so there you have the makings of a real humdinger! You see, there is lots of money in addictive products but little money in wheat, barley, rice, vegetables, fruit or nuts .... or in trying to keep you alive and healthy.
Oh, the great, magnificent profit in disease .... disease such as cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's, emphysema, heart disease and others. The doctor prescribes and the pharmacist fills the prescription. The drug manufacturer makes up to 1,000% profit and then the detail men get a big chunk, as do the advertising agencies and the publications that carry the advertisements. Some of the corporations make millions of dollars annually — yes, even tens of millions of dollars.
Yes, there is big money in all facets of disease but no money in selling or promoting good health. Therefore, health is strictly a do-it-yourself deal and everyone has to look out for himself. That is why true health research doesn't exist and why there is no funding for it .... and there is little hope that there ever will be.
Such labels as 'health nuts' or 'crack pots' are pasted on those of us who would disturb the status quo of the drug manufacturers and the food processors. They try to discredit us in the public eye. Well, it is high time the public opened their half-shut or closed eyes and faced up to the man-made evils that surround us. Every day thousands of people are getting sick and dying who don't need to get sick and die. It's all because of the profit-making conglomerates.
Over and over again I tell people to eat a balanced diet of good food and they won't need vitamin pills, supplements or even juices. Then they say, "But I do eat good food."
I reply, "You mean your French fries, hot dogs, hamburgers, white bread, buns, malted milk shakes, coffee and ice cream are good food? Who are you trying to kid? Yourself or me? Or the undertaker?"
As I mentioned earlier, I have been researching all phases of health and nutrition for about 25 years. I am one of the rare individuals who researches researchers because I have learned that researchers make mistakes and also that they can be bought. Then I go a step or two further and I get down to the health and well-being of human beings. Unlike most scientists and professional men, I am more concerned with the everyday life of human beings.
I have become the foremost proponent of a raw food diet in the world. Many writers and lecturers include raw food in their diet suggestions but none are so bold as to suggest or advise that one eat only raw food. Well, let me tell you, raw food has run into a flood of opposition .... not because it is not good or because it is lacking in benefits but because it is interfering with corporate profits, mainly those of the food processors, chemical and pharmaceutical houses, drug manufacturers and even the medical profession.
There is very little honest research done in America today and the reason is clear .... research has to be funded and the funds are controlled by and doled out by the selfsame corporations that make the foods, chemicals and drugs that cause most diseases. To make matters worse, even research paid for by the government is controlled and designated by those selfsame corporations. Sounds incredible, doesn't it? Nevertheless, It is true.
Oh yes, I realize that some professors of great universities are on the stump telling people that the crummy cereals and such things that the food processors sell are good food .... but their words are bought and highly paid for. Yes, they receive hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring you these fairy tales.
You are being led by a Judas goat and your health and life are handed over to them so that they can get their pay. Only in this case they peddle the lives and health of innocent children for shekels, now called dollars. Yes, innocent children are led like a Judas goat leads the lambs to slaughter. The Judas goat is trained to lead other animals to slaughter .... but the goat lives on, to lead other innocent beasts to slaughter again and again.
Smoking is just a delightful way for the tobacco industry to make heaps and heaps of money at the expense of people's health. I was a smoker once but I gave it up for three reasons. Number one, I reasoned I was paying a high price for the privilege of smoking and only getting a stinking breath and body for my money. Two, I was doing serious harm to my health for, according to officially proven statistics, I was shortening my life by at least eight years. Three, 1 learned that tobacco was addictive, just as alcohol and narcotics are addictive.
The tobacco companies are willfully (with full realization of what they are doing) adding monosodium glutamate (MSG) and other substances and drugs to the cigarette tobacco to make it even more addictive. Let it be clearly understood that I do not deny any person the right to choose his own life style but when dirty, despicable tricks are used to lure and addict innocent victims .... then, in my opinion, it becomes a criminal matter.
To top it all off, the most deadly sprays and dusts known to science are used on the tobacco leaves and plants. This is allowed because the Food and Drug Administration keeps its fingers out of the whole affair, claiming that tobacco is not a food and is therefore beyond its jurisdiction. This selfsame agency sticks its nose into a number of other matters that really are none of its affair, but here it no doubt recognizes the power in the hands of the tobacco barons and prefers to leave well enough alone.
For the Food and Drug Administration to claim that the deliberate poisoning of the tobacco crops with sprays is not its affair is a pure and simple dereliction of its avowed purpose, as this poison probably affects the lives of more people than any other contaminent in America. However, the FDA has no stomach for challenging titans. It picks its targets very carefully, such as individuals without 'clout', and lets people such as the tobacco barons continue their deadly, nefarious schemes with complete immunity.
I do my little bit in my own small way but it is really just a drop in the bucket. Further, I know that my way is hard and people don't like to take the hard, long road. I, too, fought fiercely against adopting the right and proper way. I am honest enough to admit it, but I must also admit that it was due to my ignorance.
So, what is the importance of good nutrition? Most of us could be healthier and live longer if we would only follow nature's path .... but then we might miss our Kentucky fried chicken or our hot dog or hamburger or our French fries or our ice cream or our soft drinks and hard drinks, our coffee and our tobacco. Thus, we go merrily along our way, slowly committing suicide every day. Then, when just retribution strikes and we become ill, we moan and groan and implore heaven to help us.
Source: http://www.healthguidance.org/authors/726/Adam-Brookover
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